‘Urban’ at Valid World Hall closes / by Christopher Ferreria

The show Urban, organized by PH21 Gallery, as closed at Valid World Hall Gallery in Barcelona, Spain. I wish I could have gone, though given the pandemic and the banning of Americans pretty much all over the world, even my lack of resources was the least of such obstacles preventing me from going. In any case, I’m pleased and humbled that my images of California — the Bay Area, Hollywood, San Diego, and the U.S.-Mexico border at San Ysidro — found their way to Europe and onto the walls of a wonderful show space. As ever, thank you to Zsolt and the PH21 Team as well as those at Valid World Hall Gallery for this opportunity to show.

Hollywood / Berkeley from Wandering (Topographies).

Hollywood / Berkeley from Wandering (Topographies).

Opening reception at Valid World Hall Gallery. Image Credit: PH21 Gallery / Facebook

Opening reception at Valid World Hall Gallery. Image Credit: PH21 Gallery / Facebook